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Research Projects

  1. Developing Localized Indicators of Climate Change for Impact Risk Assessment in Ahmednagar Using CMIP5 Data  to Dr. Dharmaveer Singh. Funding Agency: UGC, New Delhi.
  2. Development of Drought Monitoring system in India sponsored from NRDMS, DST, Govt. of India to Dr. T.P.Singh (PI), Dr. Vidya Patkar (Co-PI) & Dr. Sandipan Das (Co-PI).
  3. A study on Temporal Land surface temperature analysis across pune city using Geo-spatial techniques sponsored from Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), Symbiosis International (Deemed University) to Dr. Sandipan Das.
  4. Design and Development of mobile based decision support system for enhancing farmer’s income based on current agriculture practices and Government policy for Maharashtra” funded by  Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), Symbiosis International (Deemed University)(As a PI) to Dr. Vidya Patkar (Kumbhar).
  5. Micro Level Planning of Crop Productivity in rainfed regions of Maharashtra state using Geospatial Technologies funded by  Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), Symbiosis International (Deemed University)(As a Co-PI) to Dr. Vidya Patkar (Kumbhar).
  6. Modeling spatio-temporal patterns of water quality along the coast of Devbag, Maharashtra with special reference to creek erosion using geospatial technology.” Co- pi to Dr. Navendu A. Chaudhary.
  7. Minor research project titled “Tourism, local stakes and transformations– A case study of village Debug, coastal Maharashtra (India)” As a PI to Dr. Navendu A. Chaudhary.
  8. Vegetation Carbon Pool Assessment (VCP) of Maharashtra State, funded by (ISRO) Department of Space (As PI) Dr. T.P. Singh.
  9. Irrigation Infrastructure Assessment of Maharashtra under AIBP, funded by the Planning Commission and NRSC, Govt. Of India (As PI), Dr T.P. Singh.
  10. Irrigation Infrastructure Assessment of Uttar Pradesh under AIBP, funded by Planning commission and NRSC, Govt. Of India (As PI), Dr. T.P. Singh.
  11. Micro-Level Planning of Crop Productivity in rain-fed regions of Maharashtra State using Geospatial Technologies . (As PI) Dr. T.P. Singh Funded by SIU.
  12. Building Research Capacities among Students: A study on Urban Dynamics and its effects on Land use/Land Cover in Fringe area of Pune City using Geo-Spatial techniques. (As PI), Dr. T.P. Singh Funded By SIU.
  13.  Sikkim Biodiversity and Forest Management Project, Funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) funded (As Consultant), Dr. T.P. Singh.
  14. Tamilnadu Biodiversity and Greening project, Funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (As Consultant), Dr. T.P. Singh.
  15. National land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) assessment using satellite data for national communication on inventory of greenhouse gases NATCOM (As PI), Funded by ISRO.